Test - Advisor Case #5
Form Name: Advisor Contact-5
Form ID: 55
Form Type: ML-Other
Form Page Category: advisor-category
Campaign Extension: Advisor Contact - Stand Alone
Email Confirmation Type: Email User and FA
Email Confirmation Address: vivduran@digitas.com;sam.costello@groupeconnect.com;raymond.sanchez@groupeconnect.com
Email Response Type: ML Email 3
With hidden fields for: Advisor Name and Advisor Email
Instructions for testing:
- Before submitting set page in context
- On the console run this:
$('#form_55_advisorName').val('Jacqueline Redington'); $('#form_55_advisorEmailAddress').val('jacqueline.redington@bofa.com');
Project Overview
GC will be designing and developing new contact forms for ML.com, which will include the ability for users to request to be contacted as well as provide their email for newsletter signups (i.e. Perspectives, CIO, Women Investors). GC will be partnering with Salesforce to capture and store names and attributes in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.